Why do we refuse to forgive? If you have genuinely forgiven every person who has ever sinned against you, then you are experiencing the freedom and the joy of forgiveness. We sometimes live with the seed holding unforgiveness, and it becomes rooted in our hearts, causing up to grow bitter. Jealousy, envy, and strife against your brother will open the door and cause you not to forgive.
“Unforgiveness strikes at the heart of our communications lines with God The Bible says, Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers all sins” (Proverbs 10:12).
Yet, forgiving others of offenses and hurts committed against us is an absolute requirement of living a Christian life. One cannot walk with God while harboring unforgiveness in his heart, “for how can two walk together unless they agree.” Our Father is a forgiving God, and walking in agreement with Him means walking in forgiveness.
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