We are created in the image of God. We should not be surprised that we have the capacity for anger. We should not have that capacity for anger as sin because if we look at the character of God, we find that God became angry. We have received that attribute from God, which is the capacity to be angry in the same manner as love because we are created in God’s image. It is what we do with that capacity to make it sinful or non-sinful.
Anger can come under the control of a godly person. As we walk with the Lord, we have the serenity through the Holy Spirit the grace of God to determine to control our anger, redirect it and use that energy appropriately. We have to believe in God for it, and we have to take steps to implement that control in our lives.
How the new man behaves: How does the Christian behave living under the control of the Holy Spirit?
- Control: does not lose temper. – He has control, he does not lose his temper, does not ventilate and blow up, he does not brood.
- Contact: does not associate with angry people. – He does not associate with angry people who contently model a behavior he should not be in.
- Contains: settles angry feelings early – He contains his anger and settles angry feelings early. Do not let anger grow or develop. He deals with the anger situation properly.
- Chooses: to put off and put on. – He chooses to put off the old way of living and put on the new way of living.
How God commands us to deal with anger:
Selfish anger is to be put off. (Ephesians 4:31) The offense out of my self-centered needs to be put off.
Biblical anger requires control (Ephesians 4:26). I am to be able, by God’s grace, to choose how I will respond when something stimulates anger in my life. Under anger, I should be in constructive behavior and vice destructive.
When we find ourselves frustrated, we must look at why we are frustrated. If God’s glory is at stake, our frustration will generate righteous anger, but if our desires, goals, or demands are at stake, then the forthcoming anger will be sinful and lead to attacking others without
Farther, I just flat lost it; I let things come out of my mouth that I shouldn’t have said; I ask you to forgive me for not being slow to speak, slow to anger, and for what I said. Help me, Oh Lord, to watch my mouth and remain calm amid situations I have no control over. Father, you are gentle, and I thank you for being there in the time of my need; in the Name of Jesus, AMEN.
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