Real peace can only come from the Prince of Peace (Jesus Christ). God is the trustworthy source of relaxation.
We sometimes try ways to bridge this gap between ourselves and God to find perfect peace. On the contrary, Jesus Christ died on the Cross and rose from the grave. He paid the penalty for our sins and bridged that gap between God and man. But we cannot practically apply peace in our life until we know where peace comes from. Peace does not come from the world or worldly ways but from the True and the Living God through Jesus Christ.
When we know God and love God’s Word, our peace with God will be sure because we know it is God. The Peace of God is genuine in one’s life. It’s a personal peace that is indescribable to a natural man; it gives one sweet rest within the soul. God’s purpose is for all to live in total peace in understanding.
If you are not experiencing peace and abundant life, Jesus is the answer.
Forgive me of my sins, come into my life, and be my Saviour. Give me the peace that I desire within. Your Peace passes all understanding. I thank You, Lord, for saving me. In the Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
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