This declaration is of great magnitude, for it means every facet of life, physical, material, and spiritual, must be brought under the dominion of faith. God allows testing in each of these realms. Put complete confidence in Jesus Christ, who can supply all your needs according to His riches. Christ has all power in the natural and spiritual realms, for we live by faith, not sight. It is in Christ and through Him that all of our heart desires are met.
Total confidence in Christ must accompany our actions. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe he is Lord and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” He can make the impossible possible.
No one can say they do not have faith, for the Bible says, “According to as God hath dealt with every man the measure of faith” Romans 12:3. We have the confidence to sit in a chair, to work on a job before we are paid, and to start up our car without thinking it will start. All these actions require a portion of faith. Let’s put our trust in what God has already said and done according to the scriptures. Mark 11:22 says, “Have faith in God.”
This declaration of great magnitude means every facet of life, physical, material, and spiritual, must be brought under the dominion of faith. God allows testing in each of these realms. Put complete confidence in Jesus Christ, who can supply all your needs according to His riches. Christ has all power in the natural and spiritual realms, for we live by faith, not sight. It is in Christ and through Him that all of our heart desires are met.
Heavenly Father, I take You at Your word, trusting that You will bring to pass the petitions I got before You in Jesus’ Name. AMEN
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