
The Bible warns us we must stand against the devil’s wiles and the wicked’s fiery darts. Discouragement is one of the main darts aimed at all of God’s children. You can be discouraged or determined to believe in God and have victory.

Discouragement strikes everyone at a time when you’re not aware. We must avoid people who are always afraid, angry, and paranoid, especially when we feel discouraged. No matter the situation, Jesus Christ is always there to pick you up whenever you encourage yourself in Him. Jesus will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is on Him.

He is here right now to carry you through your discouragement. Allow Him to reveal His love.


Lord, I lift my eyes unto You, the author of my faith. Replenish my joy, strengthen my faith, and keep me, Lord, amid what’s going on in my life. I thank You, Lord, for Your wonderful encouragement and for lifting me up to a place higher in You; in The Name of Jesus, AMEN.

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