
The backslider needs God’s forgiveness, man’s forgiveness, and forgiveness of self. It is a serious offense to follow Jesus Christ and then return to the world (Satan’s trap). God has great mercy. He always allows space for repentance to come back to Him.

God forgave others; He will forgive you if you pray with all sincerity in your heart.

Do not let anyone or anything cause you to backslide and fall away from the faith. We must keep our eyes on the True and Living God who created us from the beginning.

God is married to the backslider. In the heart of a backslider, he is filled with his own ways. These thoughts are not like the way that God thinks. God’s thoughts are, come back to me, son and daughter. For we are His children, whether saved or backslidden, He cares for us forever. This moment Jesus is saying, “Come back to me because I love you.”


Oh God, have mercy upon me. I acknowledge and repent of my transgression, which was against your will. I am genuinely sorry that I brought shame upon the name of your Son Jesus Christ, and I claim His blood for cleansing my iniquity. Help me regain my peace, joy, and gladness, which you kept for me. “Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.” Forgive me for causing others to suffer. Help me to be overcome, never again to fall into the hands of Satan. I sincerely want to be the person you want me to be (your child) come into my heart and restore my soul because I know you are a God of loving kindness and tender mercy, in the Name of Jesus Christ, my savior AMEN.

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