Who can open the Scroll

Then I saw in His right hand who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll? But no one in Heaven, on earth, or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seals.

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I am the LORD who saves you; I am your strength and song.

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How does God open people’s hearts?

God opens people’s hearts with His Word. When the Word is preached, it will open people’s hearts if they will listen to it and be receptive to it. But if they reject the truth of the Word, it won’t have a free course in their hearts.

And for example, if people continually reject the truth of the Word about salvation, they will go into eternal darkness when they die.

Views: 16



It is never too late to start knowing the Word. Reading the Word is the tool of God Jesus to transform us into the image of His Son, and the Bible is an endless treasure; there is no end to its treasures. The Bible is not about history, poetry, or prophecy; it is about Jesus and only Jesus, so when you get into the Word, you discover Jesus in depth. Every portion is about the revelation of the Lord.

Views: 21


Guard You Month

Guard You Month

 It is no mistake that God is trying to make it very clear to us that we are to put a guard on it. Your own mouth can totally ruin your vineyard (Life or heart). You can literally spoil all of your harvests by misusing your mouth.

This is true for every one of us. There is no exception to this rule. It is absolutely true. Some say, “I don’t believe that.” look at what is happening right now in your Life, and it directly relates to what you said yesterday, last week, or last year.

We forget that we reap what we sow. We sow things today and forget about them months from now. Any good farmer knows that you don’t reap on the same day you sow. It takes a while for the crop to come up. The devil likes to be sure that you reap from your bad seed at unexpected times, especially during good times.

Views: 19


The Importants to Know Jesus Opens a Door Policy

Friend, it is essential to know that when Jesus opens a door for you, no man can shut it. Your mamma can’t shut it; your daddy can’t shut it; your pastor can’t shut a door that Jesus opens for you. Actually, you are the only one who can in effect, closed the doors of God’s blessing on your life.

How Pastor? By a lack of understanding or by disobedience. You see, there is a God-ward side and a man-ward side to everything we receive from God. Many times, folks want to leave it all up to God.

They say, “Whatever I need, I know the Lord will send it. If I need healing, He will send that. Whatever it is, God will send it.” That sounds good, and that sounds religious. But, really, putting it in the context of what Jesus said, it isn’t true. Why Pastor? When it comes to the provisions of God, Jesus has already set an open door before us.

Views: 21


Sowing in the Natural


Many people are not wise enough to sow in the realm of the Spirit. We have found that even people who are good Sowers in the natural are not so good spiritually. Sowing in the natural is not the way. It was (and is) meant for a Christian to become spiritually minded.

If a man sows to his flesh, he will of the flesh reap corruption. We just read that. Notice again that he was sowing to “his” flesh. That’s the biggest reason it brings corruption. It isn’t right to sow to yourself.

Notice also that we are to sow to the Spirit. If we sow to the Spirit and in the realm of the Spirit (in other words, do it spiritually), we will reap Life. This works in every area of Life.

The corruption of the flesh is that it will fade, rust, and eventually pass away. The beauty of the spiritual is that it is eternal. Of course, sowing to the Holy Spirit brings indescribable returns.

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God-Glorifying, and Worthy

Once we win the victory, we need to know what the Bible says, to maintain victorious Christian living and abide in Christ continually.

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There is no impatience in God.

Some people don’t pray long enough, believe long enough, trust long enough, hold on long enough, or wait long enough and lose instead of winning.

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  1. The watch of intercession and restoration (6 PM -9 PM)
      • Prayer for your family
      • The watch of restoration
      • Healing


  1. The Watch of Revelation and Spiritual Knowledge (9 PM- 12 AM)
      • Biblical Knowledge


  1. The Watch of Warfare and Deliverance (12 AM -3 AM)
      • War against witchcraft
      • Odors on your body when people
  1. The Watch of Securing Mercy (3 AM – 6 AM)
      • Secure the Mercy of the Lord
      • Mercy prevents terrible things from happening

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