2024 Happy New Years


2023 Anniversary Living for Christ Ministries

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we bid farewell to the old year and embrace the new, may you be filled with the peace, joy, and hope that comes from knowing Jesus Christ.


We have been blessed to journey together as a church family through another year, and we want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your faithfulness, love, and service to God and one another.


Let us remember that every anniversary is a time of reflection and recommitment. As we celebrate the anniversary of our church, let us renew our dedication to spreading the Gospel, nurturing discipleship, and showing God’s love to those around us. May we continue to grow in unity, perseverance, and spiritual maturity.


In this New Year, may our church be a beacon of light, a source of comfort and encouragement, and a place where all find acceptance and belonging. Let us rededicate ourselves to fervent prayer, diligent study of God’s Word, and intentional acts of service for the glory of His name.


As we embark on this journey of another year, let our hearts be open to God’s leading, our hands ready to serve, and our mouths filled with words of grace and truth. May the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord be evident in all that we do.


Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christian New Year filled with God’s abundant grace, peace, and love.


In Christ’s service,


Dr. Charles Webster


Living for Christ Ministries

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Merry Christmas 2023

As we celebrate the joyous occasion of Christmas, I want to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. This holiday season is a beautiful reminder of the incredible love and hope that God has bestowed upon us.

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The Things of God are Spiritually Discerned


Friends, things begin to change when a person receives Jesus as their personal Savior. The old, natural man and his ideas start to fade away, and a new man gets in a position to take charge. A day at a time, the Spirit of God becomes increasingly a reality. Through Bible teaching, personal study, and fellowship with those who live these things, a person soon gets a grasp on the things of God

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Sowing Part 2 of 2

Giving is a beautiful thing all by itself. But the great return meant for you by God will be hindered if you sow with the wrong attitude, in the wrong way, with the improper motive, for the incorrect results, or to the wrong places.

Sowing to yourself is not permitted and will only ruin your Life. The same is valid with sowing in the realm of the flesh or fleshly ways.

You must be spiritual and sow all your seed, no matter the kind, into the realm of the Spirit and with the help of the Holy Spirit. It must be planted spiritually.


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Sowing Part 1 of 2

There are different spheres of Life to sow from and into. You can sow a crop with your money, and you can reap financial as well as Heavenly rewards. You can sow from the words of your mouth and reap all kinds of things good and bad- according to what you are saying. Every other realm is affected by this sowing of words. You can sow with your possessions and reap a reward like that. You can sow your time in servanthood and have it redeemed tremendously and have great Heavenly rewards. Read more…

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Your Greatness

Dear God, no one can compare to your greatness. There is no one, not a single being, in this universe that can try to stand up to you. In everything I have read, seen, and heard of your greatness, Lord, I know there is so much more to your excellence we are yet to learn. I pray that all the earth will come to the knowledge of your greatness, O God and that we will all come to worship you and give you the praise that is genuinely due to you. In  Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Happy Thanksgiving

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Press toward the Mark

The result of reflecting can be powerful or disastrous. When we analyze the stewardship of our lives and what we have done with our talents, aspirations, and time, we face reality. Typically, we will examine ourselves when we feel we are getting older. We see objectively what we have or have not accomplished and make an intelligent assessment of what we can expect to do with the remainder of our lives, especially if we keep on in the same direction.

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The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift we can still give others outside of eternity is our time. Time is precious because it is the only commodity we can never recoup.” We will only take two things with us when this life is over God’s Word and people. If those two things are the only things that will last forever, then we can trust that our return on those investments will be worth it because God is the one making them grow. 

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