Keep Your Mouth Shut and Your Ears Open

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Jesus Never said, “If you experience Me….”


Experiencing a victory during a crisis is great, but abiding in Christ continually is greater. Unfortunately, many people cannot accept this and remain as spiritual “babes,” needing the “milk” of the Word but not taking the “meat.” They may continually sin, run to the church altar to pray and repent, and then go out to sin again. Far better to learn how to abide in Christ, letting the Spirit of God lead us through each day, away from evil, and into His perfect will for our lives, our “Promised Land” of Abundant Life.

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You’re Cleansing from Occult Involvement

Many doors are opened to Satan through the occult. One of the greatest dangers is that we have considered these things harmless.

“It was a game. We were playing for fun. I didn’t believe in it!” we protest.

We may have thought we were playing a game, but it was, and is, much more than a harmless pastime in the spirit world. It may have been an opening for a demonic attack.

We have listed many areas of the occult. As you read this list, you will see how easy it has been to be involved in satanic areas without realizing it. As you carefully read the following list, listen to the Holy Spirit within you, and He will recall incidents that must be renounced from your mind.

Some examples of occult practices are:


  • fortune telling,
  • crystal balls,
  • tea leaves,
  • tarot cards,
  • pendulum,
  • palm reading,
  • Ouija board,
  • horoscope,
  • astrology,
  • hypnotism,
  • yoga,
  • karate,
  • seance,
  • conjurations,
  • incantations,
  • spirit guide,
  • necromancy,
  • consulting mediums,
  • life or reincarnation readings.
  • The list is long. It goes on to include:
  • reading or watching psychic books, movies, or television programs,
  • psychic healers,
  • spiritualist mediums,
  • charmers,
  • water witching,
  • levitation,
  • automatic writing,
  • charms,
  • fetishes such as a rabbit’s foot,
  • magic (both white and black),
  • witchcraft,
  • sorcery spells and hexes,
  • clairvoyance,
  • telepathy,
  • mind readings,
  • S.P.,
  • marijuana or other drug abuse,
  • mind science religions,
  • transcendental meditation,
  • astral projections,
  • involvement in secret lodges or organizations,
  • and rock music having hidden or overt occultism.


It is necessary to close any doors that you may have opened to Satan in the past. Satan does not “play fair.” He is not concerned with your motives for being involved in these areas. They belong to him, and you are open to his attack until you renounce every incident.


Pray this: I renounce anything that is not like God. I have involved myself in something that is not like God to come out in the name of Jesus.

Take the time you need to listen to God’s voice within you. Go over this list several times, praying every time you remember an association with one of these things.

Now that you have closed the doors left from your past life, you should clean out your environment. If you have in your possession any books, records, tapes, jewelry, or other objects related to any of the above practices, they must be burned or destroyed.

Images or objects representing false religious worship, Buddhas, Tiki, or voodoo dolls, must be destroyed along with frog, snake, and owl objects as they are creatures of the night often involved with the occult. Recordings of rock music, or any other type of music, that encourages ungodly revelations, drug abuse, illicit sex, perversion, or Satan worship must be destroyed and boldly denounced.

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Don’t vindicate yourself; let your new life be your vindication. Don’t be someone else’s scapegoat. If you are blamed for something that is not your fault, take it to the Lord. He will vindicate you. Truth will always win out. God will bring it to light

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Who can open the Scroll

Then I saw in His right hand who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll? But no one in Heaven, on earth, or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seals.

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My Identity is in You


Thank you, Lord, that my identity is in you. Thank you, Father, I have been identified as a child of

God, and because of this, I can call you Father. Lord, I count it a privilege to be able to partake in a

heavenly inheritance with Jesus Christ, my Savior. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Views: 3


2025 The Year of the Trailblazer


The Year of the Trailblazer

We are strengthening new paths, illuminating the way for others. With unwavering faith, it inspires generations to follow in our footsteps through trials and tribulations. We remain steadfast in our beliefs for the generation to come.

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Happy New Year, and welcome to 2025!


As we enter this new year, I am filled with anticipation for all that God will do in our lives, church, and community. The turning of the calendar is more than just a change of numbers—it’s an opportunity to reflect on God’s faithfulness and trust in His continued guidance as we move forward.


Looking back on the past year, we can see how God has been with us every step of the way, providing strength, comfort, and hope, even in challenges. His love has never failed us, and His promises remain sure. As we face the unknowns of this new year, we can have confidence in knowing that He will continue to lead us with grace and mercy.

Read more…

Views: 5


Merry Christmas – 2024

Merry Christmas

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, may His love fill your hearts with peace, joy, and hope this Christmas season. Let us reflect on the miracle of His coming and be reminded of the gift of grace that we have received through Him.

In this season of giving, let us also share His love and light with those around us and be a blessing to others, just as Christ was to us. May God’s presence be felt in every moment of your holiday season, bringing you closer to His eternal peace and joy. Read more…

Views: 9


Stabilize the Working force in the leader

When between jobs, the worst thing for you to do is to sit at home all day. It is particularly hard on the wife if she doesn’t work outside the home and has to put up with an unhappy and unemployed husband moping around the house all day. That creates strife.

Other family members are not used to having Dad at home either. It may be pleasant at first, but after a short period, his constant presence begins to pall on everyone. The condition is aggravated if the man becomes depressed about not finding work to support his family.

The best thing for a man to do between jobs is to keep the same habitual schedule as when he is working regularly. He should leave the house in the morning and come home in the evening. Keep the living pattern as normal as possible.

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