Triune creator; the sovereign of the universe, and life, and of all nations; who covenants to preserve His creation. General idea of greatness, glory, creative and governing power, omnipotence, sovereignty, creator of the universe. Elohim is mainly concerned with the creation and preservation of the world and His works. He assumes a great love toward all creation and creatures as the work of His hands—plural, representing the Trinity, under the obligation of an oath to perform certain conditions.
Mighty, strong, prominent, “God” great, dreadful, “Almighty God.”
The God who is “all-sufficient” and “all-bountiful,” the One who fills and makes fruitful, used in connection with judging, chastening, purging, translated “almighty.”
EL SHADDAI first appears in connection with Abraham in Genesis 17:1: “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abram and said unto him, ‘I am EL SHADDAI (God Almighty!)'” At this time, Abram’s name was changed to Abraham because he understood the revelation of EL SHADDAI is the One with whom all things were possible.
Sovereign Lord, master of our lives, sir, owner; Implies a claim upon man’s obedience and service.
ADONI reveals the relationship God sustains toward us and what he expects of us. ADONI has been used hundreds of times in relation to Jesus himself. We are not our own; we have been bought with a price. We belong to ADONI spirit, soul, and Body. ADONI also represents the One who bestows gifts upon and equips His servants for service. We are His servants are to be His inheritance, the portion, and possession of His people.
The being who is absolutely self-existent possesses eternal life and permanent existence, eternal and unchangeable, the self-existent God of revelation.
JEHOVAH is known as the God who expresses Himself in essential moral and spiritual attributes. JEHOVAH reveals His love as conditioned upon moral and spiritual attributes. JEHOVAH places man under moral obligations with a warning of punishment for disobedience.
JEHOVAH is derived from the Hebrew verb hayah meaning “to be” or”being.” It is the name most frequently employed in the Old Testament, occurring 6,519 times.
- JEHOVAH-JIREH (ji’ra)”Jehovah’s provision shall be seen”
- JEHOVAH-RAPHA (ra’fa)”Jehovah heals.”
- JEHOVAH-NISSI (nis’ se)”Jehovah my banner.”
- JEHOVAH-MEKADDISH (ma ka dish’)”Jehovah who sanctifies.”
- JEHOVAH-SHALOM (sha lom’)”Jehovah is peace.”
- JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU (tsid ka’ nu)”Jehovah, our righteousness.”
- JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH (sham mah’)”Jehovah is there.”
- JEHOVAH-ROHI (ro e’)”Jehovah, my shepherd.”
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