I May forgive, but I’ll Never forget


I May forgive, but I’ll Never forget

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I may forgive, but I’ll never forget?” That’s a second-rate kind of forgiveness that you, as a believer, are never supposed to settle for. You’re to forgive supernaturally “even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” 
Once you’ve forgiven a person, you need to consider him permanently forgiven. When old feelings rise within you and Satan tries to convince you that you haven’t really forgiven, resist him. Say, “No, I’ve already forgiven that person by faith. I refuse to dwell on those old feelings.” 
Pray this prayer:
Father, I forgive all the people that have sinned against me and that have offended me. I ask that you forgive me in every way that I have held them in unforgiveness. I receive Your forgiveness and I release them to You in Jesus’ Name AMEN.


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