2023 Anniversary Living for Christ Ministries

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we bid farewell to the old year and embrace the new, may you be filled with the peace, joy, and hope that comes from knowing Jesus Christ.


We have been blessed to journey together as a church family through another year, and we want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your faithfulness, love, and service to God and one another.


Let us remember that every anniversary is a time of reflection and recommitment. As we celebrate the anniversary of our church, let us renew our dedication to spreading the Gospel, nurturing discipleship, and showing God’s love to those around us. May we continue to grow in unity, perseverance, and spiritual maturity.


In this New Year, may our church be a beacon of light, a source of comfort and encouragement, and a place where all find acceptance and belonging. Let us rededicate ourselves to fervent prayer, diligent study of God’s Word, and intentional acts of service for the glory of His name.


As we embark on this journey of another year, let our hearts be open to God’s leading, our hands ready to serve, and our mouths filled with words of grace and truth. May the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord be evident in all that we do.


Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christian New Year filled with God’s abundant grace, peace, and love.


In Christ’s service,


Dr. Charles Webster


Living for Christ Ministries

Views: 30


Happy Anniversary Fusi Jr.and Letitia Fuauli

Happy Anniversary, Fusi Jr. Letitia Fuauli
May God grant you many more happy years together.
We pray God will shower blessings upon your marriage & family.

Views: 23


Happy Anniversary Pastor Charles and Peggy Webster

Happy Anniversary Pastor Charles and Peggy Webster
We Love you

Views: 84


Happy Anniversary Elder James and Carolyn Wells

Happy Anniversary Elder James and Carolyn Wells
We Love you

Views: 104


Happy Wedding Anniversary Cory Lindo and Donna Russell

Happy Wedding Anniversary Cory Lindo and Donna Russell

Views: 38


Happy Anniversary Living For Christ Ministries

Happy Anniversary, Living For Christ Ministries

19 Years of Serving others


Views: 55


Happy Anniversary Elder Fusi Jr and Mrs. Letitia Fuauli


Happy Anniversary Dr. Charles and Mrs. Peggy Webster

Views: 86


Happy Anniversary Elder James and Carolyn N Wells

Happy Anniversary Elder James and Carolyn N Wells

Views: 40


Happy Anniversary Living For Christ Ministries


Happy Anniversary Living For Christ Ministries

Thank you for your service, Dr. Charles and Mrs. Peggy Webster, and the LFCM congregation.

Views: 50
