Aug '22

How to Pray for Results
Aug '22

How to Pray for Results
- Begin your prayer with what you know are the obvious facts. Pray the Word and the precious promises of the Word given to you as His child.
- Always let the Holy Spirit be in charge. Remember, you are just a soldier in the Army of God. Jesus is your “Commander in Chief.” Let the Holy Spirit set the facet or the burden. Do not rely on your own insight.
- Pray and sing with understanding in your native tongue; also pray and sing in the Spirit.
- Pray in faith, expecting divine intervention. Pray in confidence.
- Take time to listen. It is an essential part of communication and one of the keys to successful mediation.
- Keep praying until the answer comes. Before moving on, wait until the Holy Spirit assures you that the task is accomplished.
- Flexibility and speed of response are often critical to victory. The only obedience that impresses God is instant obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience!
- Meditate on the Word—renew your mind. Make sure all sin is under the blood of Jesus and that you are not harboring unforgiveness in your heart.
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