
The Keys to Fulfilling your Ministry

The Key to fulfilling your ministry is never to leave the place God put you in. Anyone who jumps from place to place, will never fulfill their ministry, stay there until God opens the door for you to begin ministering to begin doing what is right, but if you jump from church to church from place to place, you’ll never be able to even know what God wants you to do.

Pray this: Lord I pray, I will fulfill the call and fulfill that ministry you gave me, no matter, if it is big, or small, no matter if it’s ministering to just one, two, or thousands. In the Name of Jesus let me fulfill that I may stand before You on that day and not be ashamed not be rejected like one who hid his talent your talent Lord, he hides it and he was thrown out with the unbelievers that every one of us will stand on that day a smile rejoices it hallelujah we will hear you say well done. thou good and faithful servant we give you the praise.

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