Happy Birthday Terrell Webster Jr.

Happy Birthday Terrell Webster Jr.
We Love you

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Confessing Christ is Essential to Commitment to Christ

The Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We are what we believe and we are committed to what we confess. When we confess what we believe, we are committed to our beliefs. If we don’t confess it, we don’t have to admit believing it. If we don’t admit to believing it, we can change our beliefs.

Jesus was misunderstood and mocked because of His identification with God. He was condemned for claiming to be Who He really was. Often, we can be misunderstood, criticized, and condemned for confessing that we are children of the Living God, that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and that we are a brother or sister to Jesus and part of the family of God. Such accusations stem from Satan, the “accuser of our brethren, “to keep us from confessing who we really are in Christ.

Satan wants to confuse that relationship and leave us unprotected, insecure, and low in our self-image. By doing so, he perverts the Gospel. He can keep the Good News from spreading if he can cause us to bottle up our confession and the witness of our lives. Confession is essential to identification. Confession is essential to commitment. Confession is essential to relationship.

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Make a God Discission

When you are undecided, you are easily swayed. But when you make a decision-that the crisis will not last, that Satan will not steal your joy, that your family will not be robbed of God’s blessing-and you stand committed to that decision, there is no force in hell that can prevail against you.

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Jesus Arose


God Provides the Remedy

In times of transition and crisis, when a husband and wife are in disagreement about what to do, strife always complicates and confuses matters. When there is strife in the home, children react negatively because they are susceptible to the spirit of their parents. Their negative attitudes make the situation even worse. Once a family is in disagreement, and the peace is broken in the home, God provides the remedy through Himself and His Word. If the family will come into agreement with God and His Word about their situation, there can be a powerful breakthrough in the lives of all concerned.

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Bookkeeper of Unforgiveness

We must not become an emotional bookkeepers, keeping detailed accounts of the wrongs we have suffered. Instead, we must learn to forgive and forget. It will open a whole new world of blessings for our lives.

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Happy Birthday Apostle Willie Medlock

Happy Birthday, Apostle Willie Medlock; we love you 

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Turn on some Christian music and tapes of Bible Reading

Turn off the television! Don’t pollute your mind further with junk from unsanctified minds and talents; instead, renew your mind by washing the water of the Word! Sometimes television causes more significant depression and loneliness, even though those watching it believe it will relieve their depression and loneliness.


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Dealt with Unjustly at the Time of Leaving


Don’t return evil for evil. When persecuted, don’t seek to retaliate. Instead, pray for those who mistreat you, and trust God for your vindication. “It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you is the Bible’s assurance of God’s care for you. It’s also the reason we leave judgment and vengeance to Him. God will take care of those who trouble you.

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Humble yourself

God will humble us if we ask for the blessing but are unwilling to humble ourselves. This is what He did with the children of Israel.

Looking at the great men and women of faith, it is evident that there came a time of great humbling in each of their lives. Either from a struggle without or from loss within. But out of that humbling process came the seeking after God, bringing them into new and more incredible places of ministry and influence.

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