
4. : “JEHOVAH-MAKADDIS: who sanctifies.”


Therefore, you shall consecrate yourselves and be holy, for I am theLord your God. And you shall keep My statutes and practice them;  am the Lord who sanctifies you, Lev. 20:7,8.

MEANING: To set apart, sanctify, or hallow, to dedicate, consecrate, and be holy.

The book of Leviticus explains how redeemed people should walk worthy of their calling and participate in the spiritual worship that Jehovahdemands of them. In connection with Israel’s moral and spiritual purity, this title, JEHOVAH-MAKADDISH., is repeated many times in Leviticus.

In the Old Testament, the word “sanctify” was used to set apart places, furnishings, people, and special days. The people of Israel were set apart from God and separated from all other people.

Jesus was, from His very conception, set apart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, he was altogether holy, spotless, and without sin.

Jesus became our High Priest, and in His redeeming love, He was made sin for us Luke 1:35; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15; 7:26.

Jesus became our Sanctification 1 Cor. 1:30; Heb. 10:10,14.

To such holiness or separateness, we have been elected Eph. 1:4. Holiness is a positive and active word. The people of God must be holy in practice as well as separated in position. One is meaningless without the other. The Church’s glorious destiny is to be presented holy and spotless to her Lord.

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