Online Donations
Thank you for your generous contributions and support to Living For Christ Ministries. Your prayers and financial donations, whether in the form of first fruit, tithe, or offering, enable us to continue spreading the word of the Lord to millions worldwide and throughout the Hawaiian Islands. You have positioned yourself for miracles and supernatural increases through your obedience to God.
Your testimonies are a delight to God and an encouragement to our ministry. It is always wonderful to see God doing great things in your life.
May the power of His mighty Hand continue to be upon you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.
Remember, “With God, All Things Are Possible.”
1. We offer safe and secure online giving:
2. You can mail your donation to:
Living For Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 29112 Code 22
Honolulu, HI 96820
3. Text Giving
Tele: 808-650-5098 Text: LFCMGIVE
4. Download LFCM Giving App
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